Tank cleaning
Specializes in cleaning tanks that are utilized to store various product types including crude oil, fuel oil, slop oil, hazardous chemicals, wastewater, asphalt, and other products. Whether it’s routine maintenance to remove solids and sludge, decontamination measures, tank renovation, or the demolition and decommissioning of a tank, trained personnel will perform the storage/vessels’ tank cleaning.

Garbage, Oil & Sludge disposal
Today we can say that control of waste on ships is one of the important factors in preventing environmental pollution. also, control and manipulation of waste by ships is very important in the fact that the waste occupies space ship, thus reducing the payload of the ship.
Today’s methods are managed much of the waste
Today, MARPOL Convention provides very rigorous rules governing itself prevention.

Regulations covering the various sources of ship-generated pollution
Annex I. Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Oil;
Annex II. Regulations for the Control of Pollution by Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk;
Annex III. Prevention of Pollution by Harmful Substances Carried by Sea in Packaged Form;
Annex IV. Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from Ships (date of entry into force, 27 September 2003);
Annex V. Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Ships;
Annex VI. Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships (adopted September 1997).

Propeller Polishing
VesselServ guarantee doing job properly to keep the propeller in an ultra-smooth condition (Rupert scale A or A+) and that’s where the real fuel savings can be accomplished. Our equipment provides a suction force to the propeller surface with maneuvering over the blade face easily by the diver.

Hull Cleaning
VesselServ uses remarkable innovation for cleaning of huge, seagoing vessels, Offering total answers for the ship by arranging, accomplishment and documentation of underwater-cleaning, with equipment contribute to more efficient operating and Environmentally Friendly.

Chemical Cleaning
A professional, cost-effective, environmentally sound cleaning solution. We provide state-of-the-art chemical cleaning and treatment formulations and superior technical support. Our reliable, high-quality methods assure client satisfaction and an on-time completion of critical path tasks.

Cargo Hold Cleaning
Complying with regulatory requirements of safe cargo cleaning is not a simple task and involves taking into account equipment, documentation needed, and properly trained crew, to make sure that the cargo holds are properly cleaned after each discharge and prepared to transport the next load.

Types oh hold cleaning
Load on Top
Shovel Clean
Normal Clean
Grain Clean / High Cleanliness
Hospital Clean / Stringent Cleanliness

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